Virtual Commerce

Our V-commerce solutions lets you transform your digital twin into a 3D Store where users can walk and interact while browsing for items and making purchases.

Trusted by 5,000+ clients

Use Case

Online Shopping

Offer shopping experience that are immersive and more engaging than e-commerce website.

Marketing and Advertising

Enhance your marketing with immersive media to promote your brand effectively.

Metaverse Experience

Embrace the Metaverse E-commerce Era and Lead Your Brand into the Web3 Revolution.

NFT & Galleries

Digitize your brand and reach a broader audience. Stay at the forefront of this cutting-edge technology.


Online shopping Experience in your 3D space

Incorporate with Top
E-Commerce Platforms.

Elevate your Shopify or WooCommerce stores with an immersive V-Commerce experience, with interactive pop-ups and a seamless payment experience.

Monitor every aspect of your store, from discounts and tracking to shipping and beyond. stay in full control with comprehensive store management tools.

End to End Management

Keep track of every aspect of your store, including discounts, tracking, shipping and more.

Retail & Showrooms Virtual Tour

Interactive & Social
Shopping Experience

Create an interactive, social shopping experience using custom avatars. Your customers can enjoy shopping with friends in a virtual space.

Improve your customers' shopping experience by enabling them to explore nearby products, providing them with the opportunity to access a comprehensive range of options and make well-informed purchasing decisions.

Streamline User Experience

Improve your customers’ experience by improving product information, allowing them to make better-informed purchasing decisions.

Create a personalized virtual store without the need for a physical space. Enhance it with 3D products, animations, and media files, elevating your customers' shopping journey.

Create Your Own
Virtual Shop

Create your virtual store and enhance the shopping experience for your customers using 3D product displays, animations, and media files

Try It For Yourself


A digital twin is a hyper-realistic 3D model of a real-world space, created using advanced imaging and data capture technologies. This virtual replica allows users to explore and interact with the physical space from anywhere in the world. By simulating the real-world environment in detail, digital twins enable users to experience the space as if they were actually there, providing a highly immersive and interactive experience.

Digital twins offer numerous benefits for businesses. They provide a unique and engaging way to showcase physical spaces, such as real estate properties, retail stores, event venues, or museums, to potential customers or clients. This technology enhances customer experience by allowing virtual walkthroughs, which can lead to increased interest and engagement. Additionally, digital twins facilitate remote collaboration and planning, helping teams visualize and interact with spaces without the need for physical presence, thus saving time and reducing travel costs.

Creating a digital twin involves using advanced imaging technologies, such as high-resolution 3D cameras, LiDAR scanners, and photogrammetry software, to capture detailed data about the physical space. This data is then processed to create the 3D model. To view and interact with a digital twin, users typically need a device with internet access, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Virtual reality (VR) headsets can also be used to enhance the immersive experience, though they are not required for basic interaction.

The data used to create digital twins is handled with high security standards to ensure the privacy and protection of sensitive information. Advanced encryption methods are used during data capture, processing, and storage to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, reputable digital twin providers comply with industry regulations and best practices for data security, ensuring that your information is safe and secure throughout the entire process.

Yes, digital twins can be updated to reflect changes in the physical space. This is particularly useful for dynamic environments that undergo frequent modifications, such as retail spaces, construction sites, or corporate offices. By periodically recapturing the space with the same imaging technologies, the digital twin can be refreshed to include new features, layout changes, or any other updates, ensuring that the virtual model remains accurate and up-to-date.

Want to learn more

If you’d like to have a more in-depth conversation about how Limina Studios can help your business, please get in touch via this form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.Â